Chairman s word
Iraq is characterized by an abundance of goods, raw materials and geographical location, in addition to the presence of human energy from scientific cadres and skilled labour. Therefore, Iraq is considered one of the important countries to attract investment and attract capital, especially after the issuance of Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006, which gave many guarantees and advantages to the Iraqi, Arab and foreign investor. Both. Baghdad governorate is one of the most important governorates in attracting investors, as it is a developed civilizational center, as well as for its population density of seven million people.
Despite all that, this governorate needs investments to enter it in all sectors such as housing, commerce, industry, agriculture, tourism and other sectors. The Baghdad Investment Commission welcomes Iraqi, Arab, and foreign investors and is fully prepared to cooperate in providing all investors' needs in terms of land allocation, facilitating the necessary procedures for project implementation, the success of the investor's work, the application of the vocabulary of the law, the preservation of his rights and the protection of his investment project.